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Ai wav2vec2.0 음성인식 트랜스포머 fairseq 언어모델 Xai abstraction 한국음성학회 Knowledge Distillation 활성화함수 program synthesis deep learning generalization reasoning uncertainty Intelligence Attention transformer 인공지능 huggingface end-to-end interspeech 청지각과정 음향모델 wav2vec 2.0 wav2vec E2E ASR 신경망구현 Explainable AI discrete program search combinatorial explosion program-centric abstraction value-centric abstraction neuro-symbolic AI Self-supervised Learning kaldi 퍼셉트론 넘파이 딥러닝 asr Analogy llm MDD 자료형 ETRI 문자열 인코더 Arc speech recognition integrated gradients responsible ai 한국어발음교육 CAPT In-context learning Seq-to-Seq 스펙트로그램 음성특징벡터 비원어민 발음교육 language modeling FIR필터 언어모델링 GradCam chatGPT pronunciation error analysis CSID os.listdir listdir finetuning 발음열 발음사전 graphme to phoneme G2P RNN-T 설명가능한AI hydra-train ERN CNN-RNN-CTC phoneme multi-head attention 위치인코딩 residual learning 잔여학습 acoustic model 출력값 다차원배열계산 기계번역기 파이썬으로파일읽기 step function 계단 함수 파일 읽기 쓰기 multi-modal human-machine interaction biosignal 말소리 생성과정 조음기관 LPC모델 음성언어처리 zeroth project morfessor 한국어 음성인식 contractive loss mixtures of deep neural experts automatic speech scoring speech scoring 역전파알고리즘 readlines() 파일 읽기/쓰기 finonacci(n) key-word spotting speech translation 자동통역 conformer 음성인식기 음성공학 언어병리학 음성장애 Intel Korea AI Tech oneAPI Sonoma Creek Multi-domain Knowledge Distillation via Uncertainty-Matching for End-to-End ASR Models uncertainty-matching knowledge distillation what uncertainties do we need in Bayesian deep learning for computer vision? aleatoric uncertainty BAYES' RULE 비선형함수 선형함수 확률적 경사 하강법 멀티헤드어텐션 pretraining Information theory symbolic checking neural proposals neuro-symbolic approach hybrid neural-symbolic model program representation explicit search neuro-symbolic program synthesis systematic compositionality compositional generalization Pose estimation program-centric value-centric symbolic model reuse manifold hypothesis geometry based abstraction topology based abstraction value analogy program analogy shortcut rule core knowledge symbolic AI Connectionism ReLU함수 시그모이드함수 Contrastive Learning Language Model e2e Seq2Seq positional encoding SHAP shutil 다층 퍼셉트론 pytorch ReLU jupyter notebook replace() NAND게이트 OR게이트 AND게이트 alexnet Stochastic gradient descent Sigmoid 비지도학습 지도학습 backpropagation docker 기계학습 재귀함수 split() SGX 베이즈정리 modularity SGD hierarchy 강화학습 Manifold apex 신경망 symbolism neural network Gradient 음성인식시스템 scan 인지과학 lm 기계번역 조음 hmm COLAB alignment tokenizer while문 XOR CSV Interpolation cognitive science 뇌연구 제어문 뇌과학 KD 디코더 딕셔너리 파이썬 IG 언어교육 Tutorial 회귀 논리회로 dictionary 발동 replace count search split list numpy Python if문 Facebook intel Cam SSL 성도 nvidia 함수 인텔 amp 분류 dl 리스트 발성